New Feature: Status Embed Badge Widget

What is "Status Embed Badge Widget" and why we offer you to use it?

As you know, it is very important to be transparent and fast in communication with your own customers in case of any incident and service outage. Therefore, as StatusEntry, we have developed status embed badge widget to make your incident management more various.

You can share these widgets directly on your website or app. In this way, your audiences are sure to easily receive the information about your latest situation of your service/app they need.

Let's take a look at what status embed badge widget would look like on your website

As you can see in the image below, you can easily show the latest status of your system to your audience on your website. Widget has hover feature: When you hover over it with the mouse, the latest status is displayed automatically. In addition to this, when clicked, it immediately redirects your audience to your public status page in a new tab.

Below you can see the embed status badge sample that we put on our site.

Status Embed Badget Widget at Footer

Preview of your widget

We have designed the widgets in 4 colors. If it is green it means there is no problem, everything is fine. Orange is the minor outage; red means major outage. Lastly, the blue color means maintenance schedule.

Also, when your audience hover the mouse cursor over your status badge, the text indicating your last status is automatically displayed.


Green -> All Systems Operational

Orange -> Minor Outage

Red -> Major Outage

Blue -> Under Maintenance

Preview of widgets

You can visit our Documentation for more detailed information on Status Embed Badge management and how to customize it for your website/app.

For other general features we offer you, please visit our Features page.

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